Creative and Professional Development for Glass Fusers - 6 Month Online Course

Yank I and II Catherine Dunstan photo by Nicola Simpson.jpg
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Yank I and II Catherine Dunstan photo by Nicola Simpson.jpg
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Creative and Professional Development for Glass Fusers - 6 Month Online Course


This course is currently on hiatus. To register your interest and receive a notification when new dates are released please email me.

A six-month guided journey through various aspects of personal development for glass fusers. This will be a collaborative course, tailored to those who attend, with the primary aims of developing a clear sense of who you are as an artist and where you want that to take you both creatively and professionally.

Topics covered will include:

Approaches to design for fused glass, identifying how you like to work and what inspires you

Defining and developing your style

Developing a concept or theme

Creating a cohesive collection or range of work

Finding your market and putting yourself in it

Submitting to competitions and selected exhibitions

Marketing yourself, your brand and your artwork

Multiple design exercises, where a project brief will be offered and we will discuss ways of approaching it

Session 6 will be individual 20 minute 1-1 sessions

Unlike my other courses which are generally technique-led and focused on technically making skills, this course aims to offer creative challenges, designed to increase your confidence and focus in your creative practice rather than your technical ability. That said, I will still be on hand to assist throughout the course should you have technical questions and require advice for your practical making.

This course will be collaborative with lots of time for group discussion and opportunities to share ideas and progress. I anticipate that those booking this course will come with various perspectives and be at different stages of their journeys. This course is open to ten students, and this has allowed me to offer this course at a lower price to my other 6-month courses.

Competent glass fusing skills and an ability to use a kiln are necessary as developing technical skills is not the focus of this course. I have other courses that focus on technical skills if this is an area of interest – Beginner Techniques 6-Month Course and Intermediate Techniques 6-Month Course.

At some point following the ending of the course you will have the opportunity to participate in a professional exhibition in Bristol that I will organise and curate - this is optional and will incur additional cost to cover gallery hire/marketing materials (usually about £30 per participant).

Sessions will be recorded and accessible to view back until the following session takes place.


This course is payable upfront and is non-refundable after the course has begun. Refunds will not be given if a student is unable to make a session as dates are agreed in advance.

I reserve the right to postpone a session due to unavoidable circumstances with as much notice as possible. In the event that I am unable to deliver the course in full or in part you will receive a refund for any or all sessions that are undelivered.

On booking you will receive a Terms and Conditions form which you must confirm you have read and agree with before the course begins.

Please note courses run on London time.

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As a former teacher myself, I have found Catherine’s teaching style to be inclusive, detailed, highly structured and extremely clear. She encourages her students to ask questions and to push the limits of rules in order to make our own discoveries and to develop our own signature style. Catherine encourages us to challenge glass preconceptions through experiential and experimental learning. Through building my knowledge and confidence taking Catherine’s courses, I applied for a Masters in Glass at University of the Creative Arts and have been accepted. I cannot praise Catherine enough.
— Melissa, 2024