Intro to Cold-Working 1.5hr Tutorial

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Dunstan C, Colour Bloom 18, 05:21, 28cm.png
Dunstan, Catherine, Support System, artist's photo.png
Screenshot 2021-09-13 at 14.51.58.png
Dunstan C, Colour Bloom 18, 05:21, 28cm.png
Dunstan, Catherine, Support System, artist's photo.png

Intro to Cold-Working 1.5hr Tutorial


Have you heard about cold-working but aren’t sure where to begin or how it can be used to improve your fused glasswork?

In this 1.5hr session, I will introduce you to various methods of cold-working by hand and appropriate times to use them including using diamond hand pads, wet/dry sandpaper and hand-lapping with silicone carbide grit. I will also explain the different types of cold-working machinery available, such as lathes and linishers, and will demonstrate how to use a flatlap grinder.

Demonstrations will include cold-working the rim on a drop out vessel by hand, removing residual kiln paper/saw marks for glossy fire polishing, grinding a flat surface and grinding a curved surface. I will also show you how to drill a hole through a piece of fused glass.

This talk will be hosted on Zoom and you will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout using the chat function. Unlike my courses which are limited to small student numbers, this tutorial will be open to up to 40 participants. This allows me to keep the cost low.

The tutorial will be recorded and you will be able to revisit the recording online for two weeks after it is delivered live.

On booking, you will receive a confirmation email, and two days prior to the talk you will receive a reminder email with the Zoom link.

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